Meet the Staff

Interim Director/Supercomputing Admin: Steve Cousins 

Steve has been involved with Supercomputing since 2000 when he was hired by the School of Marine Sciences at the University of Maine to parallelize an ocean model for use on a Beowulf cluster. In 2007 he became System Administrator for the group that would eventually become the Advanced Computing Group. He is involved with all aspects of HPC resource acquisition, management, maintenance, and use. Steve can be reached at and (207) 581-3574.

Cloud System Administrator 

Forrest Flagg

Forrest holds both an MS and BS in Computer Engineering from the University of Maine.  His Master’s thesis was focused on speeding up scientific computation models using General Purpose Graphics Processing Units (GPGPUs).  Forrest joined the ACG in October of 2015 and now runs and maintains the ACG’s OpenStack virtual machine cloud helping both researchers and educators take advantage of the scalable resources the cloud provides.  Forrest can be reached at (207)-581-3575.

Outreach Specialist 

Ami Gaspar

Ami has an MBA in Business Analytics from the University of Maine combined with over 15 years in computing. She is fluent in tech/geek speak, can cross multiple operating systems in a single bound, and serves as a translator to the non-technical while informing the technically inclined of ACG services. While some like to think Ami is short for Artificial Mental Intelligence, she does run on human brainpower and can be reached at and (207)-581-3578.


Vacant Position

Cyberinfrastructure Engineer

Chris Dalton

Chris has a background in Applied Math and Computing, with a Master's degree from Carnegie Mellon University. His work history includes decision and risk analysis and building probabilistic decision support systems in industry. Chris is the ACG's utility player, doing everything from working with researchers on tough problems, to helping the ACG with new infrastructure plans, to giving seminars and workshops. Chris can be reached at and (207)-581-1584.

Data Architect

Vacant Position